
Jack Smith Adds to Trump Gag Order Request, Claims Agents Involved in Hunter Biden’s Case Are Receiving Threats | The Gateway Pundit

Special Counsel Jack Smith added to his gag order request against President Trump ahead of Monday’s hearing. In a Friday night filing, Jack Smith...

WTH? AOC Makes Bizarre Entrance with Cardi B Blasting and Spazzes Out at Jamaal Bowman Rally in the Bronx (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a bizarre entrance at Jamaal Bowman’s rally in the Bronx on Saturday. Democrat Jamaal Bowman held a rally with...

“These Illegal Barbarians Have Not Come This Far – to Stop Now… They’re Only Going to Be Stopped When They Get Stopped” – Steve...

Esteemed Attorney Jeff Clark joined the War Room on Saturday to discuss the historic Supreme Court cases that will be decided next week. During...

(VIDEO) Trump Supporters Line Up HOURS Early Chanting “USA!” in Deep Blue Philly to See Trump Speak at 7 PM ET | The Gateway...

Trump supporters in deep blue Philadelphia lined up over seven hours early for President Trump’s MAGA Rally despite an excessive heat warning and...

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Headlines Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” Conference in Washington, DC | The Gateway Pundit

President Trump returns to Washington, DC today to deliver the keynote speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference. Trump is...


