
Our best reader photos of 2024’s biggest display of aurorae

Back to Article List The most spectacular auroral storm in over two decades swept over Earth last weekend — and our readers were there...

The Bennu samples have rocks unlike any meteorite ever found

A view of eight sample trays containing the final material from asteroid Bennu. Credit: NASA/Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold. In 1877, when English geologist...

LISA spacecraft will map space-time around rotating black holes

The LISA spacecrafts observing gravitational waves from a distant source while orbiting the Sun. Credit: Simon Barke/Univ. Florida, CC BY Physicists consider black holes...

How to see the ISS (International Space Station) from your yard

Back to Article List Sometimes its track carries it very high in the sky, even overhead, while other times it’s a lot lower, scraping...

How old is each planet in our solar system?

Back to Article List While we have a precise (and probably accurate) age for the solar system, we do not have precise ages for...


